What's everyone reading?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Grow a Baby or Adopt a Baby?

To grow a baby or to adopt a baby?  That is the question!

I don't talk about it a lot but I'm also very open about the subject.  Since I was really young I've always had "lady problems", they never really knew what was wrong, just that something was up.  It wasn't till a few years ago they ran a few tests and found out I had a Bicornuate Uterus {Info about it} .  Well it's what doctors think is going on.

If you followed the link you can see that what that means is I have a funny shaped uterus and it's congenital. There is no reason I have it and someone else doesn't, but it could be genetic. There are increased risks and complications with pregnancy and even possible fertility issues.  Or I could have absolutely no problems whatsoever.  OR I could have 2 uteruses... WTH!!?  Yup.

I don't really want to go into details about the condition itself, mostly for the reason that we don't really KNOW much about what's going on right now because to confirm everything and get specifics, there are a lot more test (very invasive) that have to be done to get an "Official" diagnosis.  More on that later.

The real reason I thought it was important to write this post was to bring up a big issue couples deal with on fertility. If you know Hunter and I's dating story, you know we got really serious pretty fast.  I think it was within like 3 month we were talking about babies and families one day when I was like

"oh by the way... I may not be able to have any"
and his response was like "oh, that's a bummer.  Would you adopt a baby?
and I was like"Oh yeah, for sure"
and he goes, "Cool, me too. I think it would be kinda neat."
and I responded with "Oh my gosh, I know!"

So that's was another reason I KNEW I had to marry him!!  But it was also the first time we talked about it. Since then we've beat the issue to the ground!   And we are totally  on the same page and he is super supportive.  I'm such a lucky girl!

As of now, we aren't ready for kids, so it's not a pressing issue in our lives, but I like to live my life prepared! So we talk about it A LOT!  I'm not sure what everyone else's thoughts are on how to start a family, but I'm hoping this post will give me some great feedback, whether or not you feel the same way! 

At this point in time Hunter and I are gonna make an attempt at baby making the old fashioned way! That is pending a few more doctor visits and tests to make sure it's safe for me and safe for baby.  After a good time at trying and it doesn't work for us, we are going to check out adoption.  We've even talked about adopting even if we can have babies ourselves. It kind of just feels like one of those life paths God is putting us on... but we're not sure right now.

I think we have ruled out fertility treatments, hormones, and very invasive/risky surgeries to increase our chances at having a baby on our own.  At least right now, maybe it will change.  It seems scary to me to to put so much pressure on my body and our relationship for something that may not happen when there are children out there that want to be a part of our family!!  I support those that pursue those treatments because I think it can be really the answer to prayers.  I just don't think it's for our family right now.  I truly believe what happens is what happens.  When Hunter and I are ready to grow our family and share our love.... we are gonna share to whoever we can!

I have a doctor's appointment this week for some follow ups and that's what got my mind thinking about this and I felt like seeing what anyone else thought about the topic, or if it's been discussed in your relationship. I feel like I'm completely blessed to have an incredible partner like Hunter. We knew that we got married because we were MEANT to be a family.  We just don't know how that family is going to happen just yet, but can't wait to find out! Share your thoughts and ideas on the topic!  Everyone has a different idea on family and how to start one, I would love to hear yours!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Adorable Pictures to Brighten Any Day

Dale's I'm ashamed face
Brother and Sister Car Trip Love
Dale in a Chair
Hardy-Har-har! Zoe is so happy in the mornings!
There was no point to this post other than I just am obsessed with my dogs and their pictures make me giggle!
Happy Day!!

Friday Night With the Jarvis's

Friday night with the Jarvis's is similar to hanging out with your middle aged parents... except way cooler.  Hunter and I are so lame and fabulous.

Today we had a busy day at work and it ended with a fun happy hour with friends from work for a coworkers birthday and my boss is leaving :-( So sad! We are gonna miss her a ton!

We had WAY TOO MUCH fun at happy hour! More fun than should be allowed with coworkers! Throw a few margaritas in and it's just craziness.  After happy hour I had a meeting with a friend I have met through Juice Plus+.  It was great meeting some new faces and learning more about Juice Plus+.  I didn't get home till after 9:30 and I was exhausted!!!! I convinced Hunter to take me to finally get some dinner and do a little shopping at Target.

By 10:15 we were cozied up on the couch, with a fire and two dogs snuggling on our laps.  I just can't imagine a better way to spend a Friday night! We have our netflix, some yummy TV snacks, and lots of cuddles from our furry babies! Life just can't get any better than this!

Tomorrow Hunter is taking me on a surprise day date!  He's taking me to Fort Worth...all though I've been a bunch of times, I've never had a day to just hang out in the city, so I'm excited!  Can't wait to enjoy a day off finally!!

Time to put the computer away and hold a puppy!  :-)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm a really bad blogger...

Yup. I'm not great at it!  However, it's a new year so I'm going to try to make this a renewed goal from last year! After reading Leslie's Blog, and saw how awesome hers was, I was re inspired! 

Since I started the blog, a lot in our life has changed.  Hunter has recovered from his back surgery and is doing really well.

Our house is starting to come together. There is finally paint!

My dogs are even cuter as if that was possible.
Dale Richard
I'm a hand therapist!! Like a legit one!  I have a little office and I treat patients with some crazy hand injuries.  I'm still learning A LOT... but I love it!  It's kinda crazy to know that I have really found my passion and I'm 26 and living it.  I don't think a lot of people get it, but I love working with the hands because it is such a big puzzle.
I no longer work full time :-)  I LOVE it! I spend more time with Hunter and our family and friends.  For the first time since probably high school... I'm completely living life to live life! I'm not working to get through school and barely scrape by! I'm working because I love my job and I have a real work/life balance.  It's fantastic.
I became a distributor for Juice Plus+.  It's the reason I no longer have to work full time!  I'm also just as passionate for my business with Juice Plus as I am with being a hand therapist!  I get to have parties, go to parties, eat good food, hang out with friends and share information about good health. IT is ALSO fantastic.
All in all. My life is becoming more and more awesome by the day.  I love where my life is headed and I love who I am becoming. 
Here's to 2013!  I'm looking forward to sharing my story with you this year!