Can you believe that was 3 years ago??? On June 18th, Hunter and I will be celebrating 3 years married and over 5 1/2 years together!
I always intended to do anniversary posts... But never got around to it so here's a quick summary of our 3rd year of marriage!
We rung in our 2nd wedding anniversary in Hawaii! It was a trip of a lifetime! We enjoyed time with my family and had an even better time acting like honeymooners running around the islands!
Hunter turned 30 and I surprised him with a pair of boots he's been drooling over!
We jumped on the Johnny Football wagon and had a great fall cheering on the Aggies, and celebrating the many wins of Mizzou!
We supported each other through some difficult life challenges this year. Hunter's uncle lost his battle with cancer the same week my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a very emotional time for both of us, but we focused our worries and hurt into prayers. It brought us closer together and gave us an new appreciation and understanding of family.
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Hunter and his Uncle Slab at our wedding. His uncle gifted him a family heirloom gun for a wedding gift. |
My mom and sister celebrating my mom's fight with breast cancer at the Race for the Cure June 2014, 6 months after she completed her breast cancer treatments and received the "all clear"! |
We both had big changes in our careers and we couldn't be happier! Hunter got a promotion and a cool new office! I'm working regularly as a hand therapist and an outpatient clinic locally with good friends. My Juice Plus business is growing and I'm having a blast with my team!
Me at one of my speaking engagements this year. I've really enjoyed my opportunities with community education I've had this year with my Juice Plus+ franchise. |
Hunter ALMOST had one year without back complications, but we had a small slip up in April. He has since started listening to his favorite OT again and is back pain free!
Our house has broken, been repaired, and broken more again. Despite the challenges with our house I absolutely love it! It's our first home together, its the home we brought our fur babies home together in, we've hosted holidays and friends from out of town, we've had wild parties and low-key parties, and have made so many memories in this house, I'll let the jinxed AC system slide.
We (me) started gardening! We have our challenges with our foundation problems so we can't plant landscaping, but we made the commitment to getting some potted plants and growing veggies in my Tower Garden. Hunter acts like he isn't involved, but he is always inspecting the plants and giving me updates. It's pretty cute.
I'm so proud of my little garden! What is a Tower Garden? Check out |
We welcomed our 2nd nephew into the family! He's precious and perfect! Actually we welcomed a lot of babies from friends this year and it's been so fun watching our friends become parents!
My sister and brother in law with Coop-dawg at a family wedding this summer |
We've traveled ALOT! We love vacation and weekend trips together and have had plenty of them this year! So many fun memories have been made and checking things off the bucket list!
Our Vegas Trip this February. Hunter had a conference for work so I tagged along for fun! |
Last but not least.... we expanded our family! Hank Jarvis joined our family back in February right before we left for Vegas. He was supposed to be a yellow lab, but was actually a small horse. He is the most ANNOYING dog you will ever meet. He is constantly in your face, he steps on your feet, has no personal space boundaries, and has serious digestive complications that will clear a room. But Hunter and I LOVE that dog more than we ever though possible. We didn't know we were missing a family member and had no idea we had so much more love to give, but Hank has brought it out of us.
Meet Hank Jarvis, the 3rd fur-baby member of our family |
Hank represents our 3rd year of marriage so perfectly! Life gave us some real challenges this year, but instead of letting it bring us down and feel sorry for ourselves, it forced us to grow closer, look deeper into our faith, and strengthen relationships with family and friends!
We are celebrating our anniversary this year with a surprise trip planned by yours truly! Hunter doesn't know yet, so I've had fun making him guess! Can't wait to share with everyone where we go!
3 years as Mrs. Jarvis has been fantastic! I can't wait to see what the next year will bring!
This just reminded me of how AWESOME Hunter is and how he supports and loves me unconditionally! |